Sunday, October 18, 2009

June 18, 2010! Maybe if I start training now...

That's right all you ruckus fans, we have secured a team spot for next year. We are contemplating getting a second team because we always have so many people interested. Whaddya think?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's On Like Donkey Kong

The 2009 WB is quickly approaching. Who would've thought that we'd already be back in training mode, hustling for registration and payments, and thinking and dreaming about a clean "Honey Bucket"?

Well, I for one am PUMPED UP. Looking forward to the change of scenery that Van #1 has to offer, but kind of sad to not be running the Ragnar again.

So... get your training on and get your game face on. Because we're gonna need it all the way until the end.

Ahh, fo shnizzle.